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Development : The Qooxdoo Development Framework Just Rocks
Posted by Gene Amtower on 2009/2/26 16:20:00 (2062 reads)

QooxdooLogoSmallWe're always on the lookout for improved methods of developing web sites, and Qooxdoo appears to have a lot to offer. Qooxdoo has been around for a few years, maturing and gathering a small following among web developers. The recent release of Qooxdoo 0.8.1 demonstrates a solid approach to building intelligent site functionality with minimal effort.

Based on standard Javascript methods, Qooxdoo provides an intelligent open-source development framework that supports a number of different implementation styles, available at no cost as a download from While it is well-suited for developing Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) based on standard Javascript, it also provides a way to enhance existing web content through simple extensions to HTML by attaching Javascript-based source files developed through the framework in a standard