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PC Backup : BizConsole - Hosted Engineering Business Application
Posted by Gene Amtower on 2009/12/29 10:30:00 (2558 reads)

PC Backup is now developing a user-friendly web-based online business application named "BizConsole" with a standard set of business objects and processes for a typical engineering organization.

BizConsole will be hosted by PC Backup on the Internet for easy implementation by any interested customers. All client data will be segmented by client to insure only your users can view your data. We can also install the application on-site for clients with their own host servers, if your business model requires it.

Employing standard, non-proprietary web standards, users will be able to use the application in any standards-compliant web browser without any required client add-ons, making it simple to deploy as the user base expands within the organization.

Initial development will provide standard business objects for CMII change management processes, project management processes, quality processes, engineering documentation processes, product design/release processes, and product testing processes. Existing business processes in your organization can be supported through standard or customized workflow lifecycles that manage the review and approval steps in your business operations.

While standard objects and screens will be available, customization can be provided on a customer-level where required for specific requirements. Implementation can be as simple as licensing standard objects and processes at fixed user-level pricing with a reasonable amount of data storage, or as complex as developing custom objects or processes to meet specific needs at our affordable hourly rate of $60 per hour.

PC Backup has extensive experience in engineering and business environments, insuring that your needs are not foreign to us. If you don't have any electronic business systems in place or are interested in improving what you currently use, we are happy to work with you to determine how best to meet your needs. If your business needs systems that differ from a typical engineering process, we can likely find a way to help you out too. If you are interested or would like to provide your input to the current development on this application, please contact us at (937) 478-7624 or by using the "Contact Us" form on this website. We look forward to hearing from you.

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