PC Backup Announces Remote Email Access

Date 2009/2/24 22:11:55 | Topic: PC Backup

Effective immediately, PC Backup announces the capability for sending and receiving email through personal domains from any Internet connection through authenticated SMTP email transmission protocols.
We know that today's workforce is relying more and more on mobile devices to perform work tasks. Laptops and Smart Phones are quickly rising to the level of essential tools for workers today. Often times, email accounts through an ISP require that you send emails out through their outgoing mail servers, creating issues when you are not connected through your ISP's Internet connection. With PC Backup's email hosting capabilities, you do not need to worry about being away from your primary Internet connection in order to compile and send emails through your laptop.

We will setup your domain, provide Internet hosting, and manage your email configuration with technologies that support today's modern mobile worker.

Contact us for further information about our domain, web, and email hosting solutions for your home or business.

This article comes from PC Backup Online

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